There is a funny cat epidemic infecting the internet lately. Cats are the perfect creatures to make fun of because they might be Aliens, plus they are oblivious to us making fun of them because they're to caught up in trying to give you a boner by walking past your leg, erotically brushing your skin and then standing there staring at you. Making fun of cats is so contagious that youtube has been bombarded with funny cat videos, coincidentally the funniest ones are now harder to find. Don't worry I've already done the research on this.
" Hi all.
May I please ask that whoever goes into my desk and takes candy and
chocolate stops doing that.
If you want, just ask, and I will 99% of the time say yes, unless I need it
for something, which on occasion I do. For instance, the (now) empty case
of Sour Skittles.
Thank you,