
common, introduce me!

I came across my future profession today while trying to memorise the history of certain icelandic pop bands so to impress my future boyfriend who I plan on meeting on the streetcar tomorrow- [enter sentence]"The band was founded by sometimes journalist Bob Stanley".

Sometimes Journalist.

Bob Stanley, you fucking genius, you write about things on occasion, and in the off season you find bands to found. Mom, he gets me.


tods pod

Podictionary has a soothing enough voice than you'll fall asleep before he starts preaching to you about post-party rules and Harry Potter...if you drink coffee a few minutes before hand though, you get the bonus features of some fictional character named Scott who steals Cabs.



In a perfect world...

...every day would be a different dress up theme, split ends wouldn't exist, my mom would have done my homework by now, and all these songs would, respectively, begin at these given times....

try a little tenderness - Otis Redding

Justin Timberlake- What Goes Around...Comes Around - Justin timberlake

Lodestar - Sarah Harmer


This incredible video is to short. I demand more of this un-annoying video! It is so yummy and delicious and I want to lick its plate clean and then order seven more of this video. Um, hello!? Customer Service, hi I'd like an extended warranty on this video please! This is soooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooddddddddddddddddddddddddd